Shining the Light

The only way light can shine is in the dark. If we had a torch, it wouldn’t light up during the daytime. But that torch illuminates when we walk into darkness or a dark room. Even in the most challenging moments, know in your soul that the light is there if you choose to see it. It may feel like it’s not shining very brightly right now, but know this: if you keep walking towards that light, keep following it, I promise you, in the darkest moments when it feels like you can’t even find your way out, it will shine brighter than you can ever imagine. It will be as bright as a full moon on a crystal-clear night, guiding you through that darkness.

We have to break down to break through. We must experience these moments in our lives to understand where to step next. Sometimes, it feels like everything is going well, and then suddenly, we fall into the mud, the mess, the pain, the hurt - whatever emotion we’re experiencing at that time - and we think, “Just when things were going well, just when I thought my life was improving, why does this have to happen?”. Just know that it had to happen. Even the most painful experiences shape us into the people we are meant to be, standing in the light we are meant to stand in.

When it all unfolds, no matter how long it takes - sometimes years, sometimes quickly -know that it will happen, with faith in yourself and belief in yourself. Because, if we can’t trust ourselves, who can we trust? We have to live with ourselves; we need to be our own best friends. Believe it or not, we must treat ourselves like we do to our dearest friends. Believe me when I say that the more you focus on the light shining in your life, the more you will know, deep inside, that it is there, and it is closer than you think if you choose to believe that it is. And it’s there in that moment, the peace comes. The knots in the stomach ease, the worry fades, the tears dry. But we must choose ourselves. And that doesn’t mean not choosing anybody else or being selfish. No, it’s actually being selfless because, if we’re not filling our own cup, how can we share its goodness with our children, families, partners, and siblings? We can’t be empty and running on empty because that’s when darkness appears the most. The light radiates when we fill our cups with joy, love, kindness, new ways of thinking, and all the goodness.

But, until you find your light, until you see your light, I can be the light that you need. I am here to be the light shining through the cracks, helping you see the path you choose. Whether it’s by following me, subscribing, or simply reading my posts whenever you see them, I hope you gain the little light you need from me. I’ve been there in the dark, crying for light. That’s why I want to be the light for many others. My light shines like a lighthouse; whoever needs it can receive it. Everyone deserves to live their best life, knowing there is a way to be the best version of themselves.

I want to share my stories because, of my colourful life. I have learnt that even when the crayons are broken, we can still colour the picture we want for ourselves. It’s not about the perfection of the tools we have; it’s about the creativity, resilience, and determination we bring to the canvas of our lives. Despite the setbacks, the challenges, and the moments of doubt, we hold the power to create beauty, craft our own narrative, and paint our dreams into reality. So, let’s embrace every colour, every stroke, and every imperfection, for they all contribute to the masterpiece that is uniquely ours.

I look forward to connecting with or talking with you. If you feel drawn to reading more of my exclusive stories on a deeper level, subscribe to

Big Love, Nay xx


My Deepest

