Rediscovering Myself

A Journey Through Hypnotherapy and TimeLine Therapy

There was a time in my life when I felt like I was on a never-ending loop. I’d get so close to becoming the person I wanted to be - happy, confident, and at peace - only to be pulled back into old patterns. It was as if no matter how hard I tried, something would happen that would send me spiralling back to square one. The struggles would return, bringing with them the familiar companions of anxiety, overwhelm, and uncertainty about what to do next.

I remember thinking, “Why does this keep happening?”

I knew deep down that something had to change, but I didn’t know where to start. That’s when I first heard about the concept of changing your timeline - how you could shift your entire life’s trajectory in an instant. I was sceptical, to say the least. But I was also desperate for change, so I decided to give it a try.

Eight years ago, I became a Hypnotherapist and TimeLine Therapist. At first, it felt strange and unfamiliar, but I quickly realised that these practices were tapping into something profound within me. They were accessing the very foundation of my thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours - the subconscious mind that had been conditioned by a lifetime of experiences.

You see, from the moment we’re born, our minds are shaped by the world around us. Our parents, teachers, societal norms, and even the media all play a role in creating the mental programs that guide our lives. For most of us, this conditioning happens so subtly that we don’t even notice it. We move through life on autopilot, doing what we think we need to do to keep everyone else happy, often at the expense of our own needs.

I realised that I had been living my life according to a program that wasn’t even mine. It was a collection of thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours that had been ingrained in me over time. This program operated beneath the surface, influencing everything I did without my conscious awareness. The more I delved into Hypnotherapy and TimeLine Therapy, the more I understood that the problem wasn’t with my subconscious mind itself - it was with the program that had been embedded in it.

The breakthrough came when I realised that I was not the program. I was the programmer. I had the power to change the script, to rewrite my mental software, and to create a life that truly reflected who I was and what I wanted. This realisation was both liberating and empowering. For the first time, I felt in control of my life. I began to see that I could change my thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours—and in doing so, I could change my life. I could still enjoy the things that brought me joy, but with a deeper understanding of who I was and what I wanted out of life.

This realisation was both liberating and empowering. For the first time, I felt in control of my life. I began to see that I could change my thoughts, beliefs, and behaviours - and in doing so, I could change my life. I could still enjoy the things that brought me joy, but with a deeper understanding of who I was and what I wanted out of life.

As I continued to work on myself, I noticed that the old patterns began to fade. The anxiety and overwhelm that had once controlled me started to lose their grip. I was no longer a prisoner of my past conditioning. Instead, I was actively shaping my future, one thought at a time.

The journey wasn’t always easy, but it was transformative.

I learned that by becoming more aware of my subconscious programming, I could take control of my life in ways I never thought possible. I could reset, restart, and truly become myself again.

Looking back, I’m grateful for the challenges I faced, because they led me to a path of self-discovery and growth. They taught me that change is possible, even when it feels like the odds are stacked against you. And most importantly, they showed me that the power to transform my life was within me all along.

As I continue to walk this path, I’m reminded every day that we are not defined by our past. We are the creators of our own reality, and we have the power to shape our lives in any way we choose. So, if you ever find yourself feeling stuck, remember this: you are not the program. You are the programmer. And you have the ability to rewrite your story, no matter where you are on your journey.


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